In the month of August 2019 to September 2019 under SFOORTI project JUST had organized Training on ‘Enterprise Development’ for SHGs in Seven SHG Federations. The purpose of the training was to develop the business (IGA) from Micro level to Macro level. Through the trainings SHGs will be able to provide goods and services in the market, with the anticipated outcome of earning profit. During the Training, Project Coordinator Nelson Debbarma and Chief Coordinator Sr. Mary David FS, had explained about Enterprise concepts. They explained them (SHG) that it is a company specialized in enterprise architecture and business processes management which organizes and manages to develop the most suitable solutions for their clients or customers through a holistic approach, which tends to redefine, streamline and increase efficiency of the business processes. It usually carries out some commercial activity from small scale to large medium of business, creates new job positions, and gains some profits. Nearly 100 SHGs are trained in the field level at seven federations.