Manisha Kol D/o Lt. Babol kol is 10 years of age Std class 3. She lives in Napali Basti, West Tripura with her mother and three brothers. Her father Mr. Babol expired three before, who was the sole bread earner of the family with his daily wage. Gradually she was not having proper support and guidance and her mother and brothers were busy in looking after the family affairs and development of the family with their daily labour and wages. This poor condition of the family also made her to be irregular to the Nepali Basti Junior Basic School. Manisha could not receive the assistance for the extra coaching due to the family condition. It is at this juncture, she was inducted into smile foundation and was given the proper coaching which motivated and energized her to be regular and smart in learning. As a result, she is able to write English alphabet, do basic maths and she is very happy to learn more and more.